Section: Research Program

Intrusion Detection

By exploiting vulnerabilities in operating systems, applications, or network services, an attacker can defeat the preventive security mechanisms and violate the security policy of the whole system. The goal of intrusion detection systems (IDS) is to be able to detect, by analyzing some data generated on a monitored system, violations of the security policy. From our point of view, while useful in practice, misuse detection is intrinsically limited. Indeed, it requires to update the signatures database in real-time similarly to what has to be done for antivirus tools. Given that there are thousands of machines that are every day victims of malware, such an approach may appear as insufficient especially due to the incredible expansion of malware, drastically limiting the capabilities of human intervention and response. The CIDRE group takes the alternative approach, i.e. the anomaly approach, which consists in detecting a deviation from a referenced behavior. Specifically, we propose to study two complementary methods:

  • Illegal Flow Detection: This first method intends to detect information flows that violate the security policy  [60] , [56] . Our goal is here to detect information flows in the monitored system that are allowed by the access control mechanism, but are illegal from the security policy point of view.

  • Data Corruption Detection: This second method aims at detecting intrusions that target specific applications, and make them execute illegal actions by using these applications incorrectly  [54] , [59] . This approach complements the previous one in the sense that the incorrect use of the application can possibly be legal from the point of view of the information flows and access control mechanisms, but is incorrect considering the security policy.

In both approaches, the access control mechanisms or the monitored applications can be either configured and executed on a single node, or distributed on a set of nodes. Thus, our approach must be studied at least at these first two levels.

To complement these two approaches, we started two years ago to study the impact that visualization could have in the context of security and particularly how it could improve intrusion detection and forensics analysis.

We finally plan to work on intrusion detection system evaluation methods. For that research, we set a priori aside no particular IDS approach or technique. Here are some concrete examples of our research goals (both short term and long term objectives) in the intrusion detection field:

  • at node level, we apply the defensive programming approach (coming from the dependability field) to data corruption detection. The challenge is to determine which invariant/properties must be and can be verified either at runtime or statically. Regarding illegal flow detection, we try to extend this method to build anti-viruses by determining viruses signatures.

  • at the set of nodes level, we revisit the distributed problems such as clock synchronization, logical clocks, consensus, properties detection, to extend the solutions proposed at node levels to cope with distributed flow control checking mechanisms. Regarding illegal flow detection, we study the collaboration and consistency at nodes and set of nodes levels to obtain a global intrusion detection mechanism. Regarding the data corruption detection approach, our challenge is to identify local predicates/properties/invariants so that global predicates/properties/invariants would emerge at the system level.